Saturday, August 31, 2019

Opening a Daycare Essay

One of the most important demands of the early years, care and education that offer young children a quality care and education to operate effectively. Early childhood education has become formalized in its processes and entrepreneurial in mode, particularly in the urban and middle-class centers. Centers for pre-school children are necessary particularly because the entrance of more women into the workforce creates a need for places where their children can be safe and given some education while the parents are at work. However, these centers should ot be made an excuse for parents to abdicate their responsibility for child care and nurturance, and for making early childhood education a commercial activity. Children with special needs may require individual learning programmed for a part of the session in center. A Child Day care center, group child care home and family child day care home and group child day care home are center for children. For these reasons, it is proposed that early childhood centers be organized community or neighborhood centers to be staffed by a minimum number of professional arly childhood educators with maximum help from parents who should take turns serving these community or neighborhood daycare centers. In opening a daycare center it needs the quality care and education that should be available to all children if their parents wish it. To deliver a high quality service and the the important that all reflect on their practice so that they can acknowledge how things have gone and whether there is room for improvement. A good starting point is to examine the principles which is part of the early years, Care and education. The welfare of the child ( the children must come first) in managing children’s challenging behavior. The child care and education should emphasize the positive aspects of behavior and physical punishment must never be used. Children’s learning and development (children need activities) which will stimulate their social, physical, intellectual, emotional, and moral development by careful observation of the child. Keeping children safe to ensure that the setting is safe for the children and the prevention of accidents and the protection of health. Planning is basically determining development goals, policies and plans; and setting, procedures and strategies needed to achieve the purposes. In the preparation of the plans, social economic and development administration programs are formulated separately within the context of policies. It deals with goals, setting process, environment, role, and budgeting. On another viewpoint, is seen on decision-making, information and the future. The process by which the guiding members envision its future and develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future. In terms of identifying riorities and interests the important factor to achieve is the operational, efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of the service ( the needs of the community). As we plan, the level of minimum standard must be observed to guarantee a Certain level such as facilities, staff, curricular content, utilization of space and time, procedures and financing schemes. These standards can be achieved through the conduct of survey, studies, operations research and cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses. Steps in planning like goal-setting, information, policy, programs, implementation nd evaluation but the development planning consist of situational analysis, goal/objective/target setting, policy/strategy formulation, program/project identification, investment program, budgeting, implementation and monitoring evaluation and plan update. The situational analysis requires the conduct of survey and research studies. Gathering of demographic, economic, physical and others. A survey of undertaken Indicating past and present performances, programs and projects, manpower, budget and buildings, facilities and equipment. After that setting of goals, objectives and targets. A goal is a broad statement of an image of the future that seeks to achieve. And objective, the expectation which is pursued to satisfy the goal target, flowing out of the objective is the most specific statement of purpose which is measurable and achievable. Once the broad goals, objectives and target are framed, more specific policy statements and strategies are formulated for each area of concern as to social, economic and development administration aspects. The plan is basically a guide for any future decisions affecting the growth and development of the center. The Vision is the act of power of seeing an ideal state through mental acuity or foresight that a man or institution intends to accomplish (Kaufman et al. ,2002). It should be conceptually ideal, unitarily and purposively focused, and foremost should be intellectually challenging and exciting. The vision spells out in broad terms the role of the center. To specify what it intends to do and become considering the social, cultural, economic factors in the community. In vision we shared beliefs and values, impact from the environment, and attainment from future time. The Mission is a statement of philosophy of purpose for which it is created (Kaufman et al. , 2002). And goal as a desirable future condition which strives to achieve. It is normally broad in scope and long-term in its perspective. A goal dovetails the vision and mission of the organization or institution. To formulate the goals remember the clear statement about what the customer or client needs, who are the clients, and how plans to go about. The Objective is a specific description of an end result to achieve. It is a Translation of the broad goal into a set of more specific and concrete objective. The Translation of the goals into program objectives in terms of program offerings, research Services, extension and continuing education services, development services, income generation, capital outlay, and general administration. The Target is a more specific expression in quantifiable and measurable terms of what is intended to be accomplished. The specific end result, a target date and period; and the individual responsible and accountable in the accomplishment of the activity. The Policy and Strategy Formulation is a planning process about the rules and Decisions have been arrived to meet the goals and objectives. A policy is a purposive course of action or decision which is commonly set and perceived to be socially desirable to the great number of people. While strategy is the method or approach undertaken to accomplish goals, objectives and targets. The Program and Project Identification refers to the functions and activities Necessary for the performance of a major purpose for which it is established and Covering the activities that result in the accomplishment. Like support service, manpower training, curriculum development, extracurricular activities, production materials, eaching aids, technologies, improvement of the building and equipment. The Investment Programming is a phase in the planning process that resolves the activities need to be done with the greatest result. Formulated goals, objectives, targets and strategies in the development plan are translated into concrete, specific and implementable programs and projects packaged into the development investment program. Investment programming is the process of rational listing of programs and projects planned to be undertaken within a given time frame for the purpose of enhancing he process of asset and capital accumulation for some anticipated future benefits. This entails a systematic identification, preparation, selection , scheduling or phasing of programs and project given conditions of resource scarcity. The investment program serves as the basis for programs and projects that are considered in the preparation of the annual action plan and corresponding budget estimates. The Budgeting, this phase of the planning process resolves the money and fund available or allowable for the program, project or activity. Budgeting is one of the universal human experiences. All of us are faced with the problem of reconciling what we want with what we can afford. Every organization or institution must face the problem of balancing needs and desires. But the greatest problem arises when the resources are limited but needs and aspiration are sharply rising. Proper budgeting is important. The Implementation, this phase of the planning process how the plan executed, who are the responsible, how to determine the plan. It is an act of carrying out the plans, Programs and projects in accordance with the strategic plan in order to attain the set goals and objectives. The implementation of the plan in terms of stated policies, goals, objectives and targets translated into tangible programs, projects and services has to precisely specify as to who does what in terms of accountable and responsible with particular program and projects. On this regard, the owner or the president has to emphasize plan priorities in terms of benefits, materials, references facilities, equipment and others. The same principles should underpin early childhood education, in whatever setting (state, private or voluntary sectors). They are recognize with knowledge and skills hey have been learning from birth; quality care and quality education are inseparable; every child develops at its own pace; the role of the adult is to stimulate and encourage learning, trust, motivation and positive attitudes are important-each child should feel valued and secure; learn best through play, talk and first hand experiences; parents and teacher should work together in the best interest of the child. The early years of curriculum should be carefully structured to provide a balance of appropriate activities- some planned by adults others child planned or initiated; quality care and education equires well-trained educators and ongoing professional trainings skilled and careful observations are crucial to fostering children’s care and learning. (adapted from DfEE 2000). Licensing Standards of Daycare Centers should consider the following: The Activity Area available used by all children, Attendance of the actual present in the Center, Capacity of total number of children allowed in the center, Caregiver who provide care, supervision and guidance, Certification issued by CCD(Child Care Division), Child Care Facility, Comparable Group Care Program, Constracted Services; The Director who designated by the operator or administrator of the center, guidance and Discipline; Head Teacher, Staff, Operator, Owner, Parents, Program, Sanitizing, and others. The General Requirements for opening a Day Care Center are Certificate of compliance or certificate of registration, Application, Training requirements, Staff requirements, Director, Group Supervisor, Aide, Staff child ratio, Staff persons, Physical site, Program requirements, individual assessment and program, Caring and qualified staff, safe, clean facility, established rules and policy, and Complete schedule of activities. In opening a Day care Center it should be careful through out and need a research process. In daycare children help grow and develop their skills while also having fun. Good centers have a mix of activities that will teach different skills, projects that lead to Creativity, storytelling, dancing and singing and help the child learn instead of just Playing all day. Children also get to socialize with other children which they would not to Do as often if they were at home with a nanny. Finally, the centers are more stable and consistent than nannies because the center will watch your child even if a teacher is sick.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Time Of The Past

At the age of 25 I was one of the most treasured managers in a profitable company in my small village town. My repute had entangled the whole town and this is why everybody gazed at me every time I went down the streets doing my shopping like every body else. My life style was the most expensive you would envisage because every shoe and cloth I put on was imported.At this time I did not mind so much about the future since I was single and had no one to care for except my parents who needed little of my financial help because they were already well of. My lucrative job was something that I cherished so much that I devoted most of my time in ensuring that I remained the top performing manager in the company. As a result I had several opportunities of attending sponsored conferences not only in my country but also outside the country. I was far much ahead of many friends I learnt with, and this gave me every reason to celebrate my life and achievements.Due to this, I had no option but t o detach myself from many of my friends who would book appointments if they wanted to meet up with me. It seemed like the supply of riches by the creator had been directed towards my side because everything seemed elegant to me.The company had offered me with a number of company vehicles the rationale for which I have by no means been able to ascertain to this day. But I gape that the company was making super normal profits which made the president plan less and did not care about the unwarranted company expenditures. As a result, the company’s performance begun to dwindle but disproportionately to what the company gained at the end of the day.Little did any one of us notice that losing a single consumer was the commencement of a big down fall that awaited us. Decisions were made without a vision of expanding the operations of the company to make the company top its competitors. We thought that we had reached the sun only to comprehend later that we had not stepped in the moo n.What followed will always remain in my mind as the most downbeat and hardest part of my life to this day. My pay was reduced by half because the company begun making massive losses and most of our customers lost confidence in the company. My job remained at stake because the marketing department that I headed was the key in sourcing for customers who kept the company flying high but in contradiction they were leaving.After a short while a letter of termination of my services knocked on my door and since I didn’t have any share in the company I had no option but to relinquish my duties. Huge loans that I had obtained from different institutions became a major headache because I had no other source of income. Auctioneers became my regular visitors as they frequently knocked on my door to take whatever was equivalent to the debts I had.A few months that followed found me in the streets dining with people I had all along thought I would never brush shoulders with. This time it was more degrading because people either laughed or sympathized with my situation. To this day I live yearning for those days when I was the head of marketing department at Hill Cage Company.     

Thursday, August 29, 2019

City of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

City of God - Essay Example Importance of education The youth gang involvement in urban crime is as a result of lack of education and lack of social and economic mobility. The Brazilians who engage in crime in the film are undoubtedly uneducated. Like other street occupants in the world cities, these youths in the city of God are held in low esteem. Their occupation is crime, begging and barrow-pushing among others (Bromley, 1982). The elite class refers to these people as ‘parasitic occupants’ with disguised unemployment (Bromley, 1982). These descriptions of the street occupants in most cities and especially the young youths are true, but they do not address the causes of these behavioral patterns in the city. In The City of God, the youth gang that develops engages in drug and crime acts. Most of these acts thrive because of poor planning of the government resources. Unequal distribution of resources, therefore, becomes a major cause of youth indulgence in crime (Bromley, 1982). This is because with unequal distribution of resources denies the poor basics such as education and hence lack of employment in the formal sector. Without education, youths spend most of their energetic years struggling for a daily bread and for them to survive, they engage in drug dealings and organized gang crime. For example, in the film, the viewers meet the impoverished thieves known as the ‘Tender trio’ consisted of Clipper, Goose and Shaggy. ... For example, younger boys led by Li’l Dice collide with them to rob occupants of a certain motel. In what can be seen as initiating Li’l into the crime gang, they leave him outside with a gun where he shoots motel inhabitants. At the scene, two members of the trio are killed. Lack of social and economic mobility Socio-economic mobility is the movement of people from one social class to another or one economic level to another. As discussed earlier, there is a strong correlation between education and one’s economic mobility. In The City of God, the young people are unable to secure jobs that would allow them to enhance their economic status (Bromley, 1982). The fact that the young people who form crime gangs in the movie are not employed is an indication that they are not educated. Their involvement in crime while young is a depiction of a sector of urban youths who are idling and surviving in hardships instead of being in school. This means even their parents are not well off or they are not there to support them. Therefore, lack of adequate planning by the government in educating its youths leads to them being denied the most effective and equal process that would enable them to improve their economic mobility. The results of such negligence are blatantly displayed in the movie as thriving of crime and drug business where youths are eliminating each other as a way of surviving. This is a long term effect in the society. Economic mobility starts with ones parents’ inability to take their children to school. Therefore, family background plays a great role in perpetual poverty in urban towns, and this exposes more youths to criminal acts and drug engagements. The evils

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Film reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Film reflection - Assignment Example Basically, a mask is usually used to conceal the true identity of a person, especially when the person has the intention of behaving in an unacceptable way. Men are depicted wearing mask of violence, which is a disguise of who they really are. It is the fear of being described as weak that makes men disguise in violence so that they can expose their masculinity to others. Boys never desire to be branded unmanly and so must display their masculinity via violence, which is often perpetuated by media images. Kimmel reveals that â€Å"the fear of being seen as a sissy dominates the cultural definition of manhood† (150). According to the author, a boy might have to engage in physical fight in order to dispel the idea that he is a sissy. Kimmel further argues that â€Å"violence is the single most marker of manhood† (150). As such, the media can be linked with increased violence that has plagued the modern society where men strive to prove their manhood by hiding behind the mask of violence. The film Tough Guise 2 is thus a perfect platform for understanding why many males are

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


MANAGING CONFLICT IN A DIVERSE WORKPLACE REPORT - Case Study Example According to the research conducted by Kirchmayer (1993 cited in Syed & Ãâ€"zbilgin, 2010) it has been found that conflict in the workplace is likely to arise when people belong to different cultural background. In a culturally diverse workplace each player has different attitudes towards conflict management and decision-making approach. Complications and misunderstandings are integral parts of culturally different workplace. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the cases of various types of conflicts in the workplace that have arisen from differences that ranges from gender to nationality and from sexual orientation to issues of pregnancy. The underlying reasons behind the problems and their implications have been discussed. The given case can be treated as a classic example of a misreading of signals. The approach taken by Strong was not outright wrong and the reaction of Mayer was not fully unjustified. It is difficult to point out the culprit per se. However, it can be argued that Mr. Strong should have â€Å"known better† by considering the reaction he had from Ms. Mayer for the first time they had interacted in the parking lot. Ms. Mayer had shown initial signs of irritation in the first meeting which should have provided the hint for Mr. Strong. In the research conducted by Corr and Jackson (2001) had shown that the perception of males of females of what constitutes sexual harassment are quite different. In the research that has been conducted in relation to sexual harassment it has been found that sexually-oriented behavior in non-work relationship is more acceptable than the same behavior in work relationships (Browne, 1997). This situation is more likely in the present case. The reaction of Miss. Bliss to the behavior of Mr. Law should have been more formal and stern. Miss. Bliss should have confronted about the situation

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysing Of The Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysing Of The Paper - Essay Example I specifically like this statement which defines how business organizations should go about the extension: "Unless the Brand name is strategically able to brand its extension to their customers and is capable to achieve this goal through similarities then and only then the success is higher. A company should extend their products as long as it is appropriate and along the lines of their products and or services. But, if the company wishes to expand to a class and or category different or other than what they are in, then there is a higher chance of failure." Do you mean that different brands should be used in different sectors or categories Your discussion is very informative. Instead of focusing only in the advantages and disadvantages of brand extensions, you have made the leap through identifying the steps which should be considered by marketers. My question is, can you discuss more on distancing techniques How is it done Richard Branson's extreme personality should be credited for his venture in numerous unrelated product categories.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Report - Essay Example This difference is important to understand as it impacts not only businesses and investors but also governments in their policy formulation. This paper, therefore, aims to study whether different economic indicators influence large and small cap stocks by looking to answer the question: The key research question explored the relationship between economic indicators and stock prices small cap and as large cap companies in the US using available data for the last 10 years (from Jan 2001 to June 2011) based on 9 leading economic indicators and on two stock indices (one each for large and small cap stocks). The economic indicators were the independent variables while the stock price was the dependent variable in the multiple regression models developed for the two stock indices. Using public records, data were collected from publicly available financial statements of corporations. The proposed relationships were tested through regression analyses. Results indicated that the two stock cat egories are influenced by a different set of economic indicators except the Consumer Price Index, the Industrial Production Index (IPI), and the Consumer Confidence Index. The implication for economic change includes governments’ awareness of the need to monitor these factors as their Key Performance Indicators for measuring the impact and success of their past and future economic policy decisions on businesses. Table of Content Chapter 1Introduction 6 1.1Background and Context 6 1.2Objectives 6 1.3Achievements 7 1.4Overview of Dissertation 8 1.5Problem Description 8 Chapter 2Literature Review 10 Chapter 3Research Method 19 Chapter 4Data Analysis and Results 26 4.1Test of Variables 26 4.2Regression Analyses for the stock indices 26 4.2.1Regression analysis: S&P 500 27 4.2.2Regression analysis: S&P SmallCap 600 34 4.2.3Check for the predictability of regression models 43 Chapter 5Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations 46 5.1Summary 46 5.2Evaluation 49 5.3Future Work 51 R eferences 52 Appendix A: Normal distribution of dependent variables 55 Appendix B: Linearity of relation between economic indicators & S&P 500 56 Appendix C: Linearity of relation between economic indicators & S&P SmallCap 600 57 Appendix D: Clarification of concepts and terms 58 Qualifications & Experience 62 Abstract 1 Table of Contents 2 Chapter 1 Introduction 5 Chapter 2 Literature Review 9 Chapter 3 Research Method 18 Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results 25 Chapter 5 Discussion, Conclusions, and Recommendations 43 References 49 Appendix A: Normal distribution of dependent variables 51 Appendix B: Linearity of relation between economic indicators & S&P 500 52 Appendix C: Linearity of relation between economic indicators & S&P SmallCap 600 53 Appendix D: Clarification of concepts and terms 54 Qualifications & Experience 58 List of Tables Table 1 9 Table 2 27 Table 3 28 Table 4 29 Table 5 29 Table 6 30 Table 7 34 Table 8 36 Table 9 36 Table 10 37 Table 11 38 Table 12 39 Table 13 39 Table 14 46 List of Figures Figure 1: Histogram of regression model residuals for S&P 500 32 Figure 2: Variance of residuals for S&P 500 regression model 32 Figure 3: Scatter plot of residuals for regression model for S&P

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Top 10 Characteristics of a Multicultural School Environment Essay

Top 10 Characteristics of a Multicultural School Environment - Essay Example This essay approves that the first placed characteristic is really important because children need to learn the correct social skills in order to interact with all other races in society. Secondly, any instruction material needs to be free of any bias because children will learn from their school experiences and act it out as adults. Thirdly, the school needs to have an open and inclusive policy for those who are ethnic minorities because they would be feeling pressured about their position in school and society as a whole. Next, there should be no glass ceiling concerned the academic achievements of a child, no matter what ethnic background they are from. This paper makes a conclusion that fifth, the students must be taught how interacting with different cultures can be beneficial because it allows teaching and character building. After this, teachers or administrators should feel empowered to alter their teaching strategies to suit the needs of their students. Seventh, teachers should not show any bias against any ethnic group and should treat all students equally. Next, the makeup of the faculty should be representative of society as a whole. Second to last, students should critically think about the strengths and weaknesses of their own culture by applying theoretical skills.Finally, the faculty needs to be open to learning off other cultures so that their own teaching skills may be enhanced. The faculty, administrators, and other staff see themselves as learners enhanced and changed by understanding, affirming, and reflecting cultural diversity.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Two Works of Art from Ancient Time and From 1000 B.C.E OR 1000 B.C Assignment

Two Works of Art from Ancient Time and From 1000 B.C.E OR 1000 B.C - Assignment Example This can be seen in the museums as they are able to collects different types of arts like in The Grande Gallerie, Louvre of France and Free Gallery of Art. They are many artists known worldwide for their intellectual artistic way of delivering message like Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, and Alexander J. Davis who are known for their contribution in Art. Introduction Agostino Centobelli is a known sculpture in the past decade and in this context we are going to see the differences from his sculpture and Venus De Milo sculpture from Louvre gallery. They are both renowned artists in ancient craft (Tanner, 2006). Agostino was known from the cameo collection which was mainly used for jewelry which were common in Asia and Japan. It was known in the 15000bc which were used to tell manners, customs and traditions (Tanner, 2006). The sculpture of Venus De Milo which portrayed beauty and also goddess of love in the ancient period Comparison between Agostino’s and Venus de Milo’s Scu lpture The two art pieces were sculpted in ancient times from 1000b.c to 2000 B.C each using the natural color instead of using different colors. They both try to convey message to a given audience representing the culture, beliefs and traditions delivering to a bigger audience. There arts were both unique attracting people’s attention to date cutting across the world. The artists were mainly inspired by their environment and also we can see that the art are sculpted from stone. Each art has a unique message Agostino’s portraying the religion of Indians using jewelry while De Milo conveying the woman’s beauty. They both are from two different artists and were sculpted with different views in mind (Frank, 2011). Agostino’s art is more of complex comprising of different images unlike De Vinci’s which a single portrait of a lady is with cut hand. Part Two 1. The two arts use the form of sculpture as they are they are curved to bring out the different shapes. 2. They can both be seen created in the three dimensional structure as can be seen from the length, width and height used in the sculpture. We are able to see to the portrait in all dimension, front view, side view and back view. 3. Agostino’s art was with the use of stone (that is soap stone) or shells while De Milo sculpture used marble in creating. 4. From both of the art pieces we are able to see the curves used in order to bring out the figure as of De Milo and the one in cameo. They are smoothly shaped to bring out the quality of the portrait. 5. The colors used in the pieces of arts were natural colors of the materials as they only concentrated on curving and also to make it simple. In the era color was not the main reason of art but they tried to put across message to the different types of audience. 6. The curves are smooth and flowing with use of natural color. The three dimensional structure clearly tells the use of line to bring out the shape and concentra ted on making them perfect that’s why we can see its value till date. The simplicity also made the curvy areas or the portrait develop in the different decade of time (Frank, 2011) 7. They both have a subject matter as they try to give some information. This can be seen from the materials used, the portraits or rather the arts developed. 8. The subject of Agostino’s sculpture is jewelry while that of De Milo is lady’

Commercial law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Commercial law - Coursework Example Apparently, the cleaner machine that is bought by The Royal Derbyshire Hotel from Walcott cleaners is seemingly suited for this category, and the laws that authorizes decline of sales and repudiation of contracts falling under this category will apply accordingly. 4 According to sec. 18(1), the title of specific goods passes when they are in a deliverable state and if the contract of sale is unconditional – this is with the exception of a contrary intention between the buyer and the seller. Whether the time of payment or delivery is postponed is of no importance in this case. This means that if all other requirement of the title of specific goods is met, the title of the cleaner would have passed to the buyer despite the delivery taking place after the date that was originally agreed. However, this assumption is contrasted with the fact that courts infer that parties to such a contract did not plan to pass the title in line with rule 1, but instead planed to pass it only when the goods are delivered or paid for.5 An â€Å"unconditional† contract means that the contract is free of any condition which may affect the passing of title. For example, a conditional sale agreement, under which the passing of title occurs only upon payment of the price, or a contract under which the seller must himself acquire the goods before he can honor his agreement to sell them to the buyer, would not be â€Å"unconditional† within the meaning of rule 1. Where the seller has undertaken to do something to the specific goods in order to put them into a deliverable state, title to the goods, according to rule 2 of sect. 18, is presumed to be intended to pass only when the seller does that thing and the buyer has actual notice of it.6 When purchasing the machine, Robin could not have doubted the rights of the seller because Section 12(1) stipulates that the seller has the right to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Canon Versus Epson Essay Example for Free

Canon Versus Epson Essay On the occasion of the launch of the New Occasional Observer issue of June / July 2006 entitled Empire of High-tech, two press advertisements have been selected. These advertisements are meant for multifunction scanners, of Epson and Canon. These two ads have caught the attention to study them sequentially by means of quantitative and qualitative studies to analyze their strengths and weaknesses before proposing a new advertisement as to which one has been the least attractive from the readers perspective. Canon and Epson are both international benchmarks for all aspects of imaging. Canon began in 1930 with cameras and then moved on to printers and scanners and Epson has released the first printers to extend its expertise in the field of cameras. Canon puts more emphasis on the art of the image, which is perfected by quality tools (the site offers to download pictures of fashion as an advertisement for appliances). Everyone is free to exercise their creativity in the best conditions. As for the Epson, it emphasized its professionalism and reliability. Both are assured by technical expertise and the proven quality of its products allows everyone to get the best results. The two products are multifunction printer and scanner, which, by their functions and attributes, make them easily comparable. They seem to meet the same needs. They can print photos without the need of a computer. The prints are fast and are of high quality (comparable to that of laboratories). They have an integrated high-resolution scanner of 1200 times 2400 dpi and a screen for viewing prints. However, it is observed that the advertising targets and objectives are different. This is related in part to the image and strategy of each company. After analyzing the two advertisements, it is noted that the targets and objectives are consistent with the advertising strategies of each brand. So what is the best advertising strategy designed to best meet the instructions of the copy strategies? The Canon company is launch the new printer-scanner Canon Pixma MP450, which provides quick and easy high-quality prints. The launch of the new printer-scanner from Epson Stylus Photo RX520 is for family use which provides an easy and attractive price of printing high quality photos. Although consumers have become accustomed to using digital cameras to store their photos on memory cards and use the software to edit their photos, they are still reluctant to print them out themselves for fear of not getting a satisfactory print quality or if it costs them more expensive than in a lab photos. Both the companies need to gain the trust of the consumers by proving that the picture quality of a printer-scanner is comparable to a photo lab. This is to reassure consumers about the quality of photos that are developed them. The companies need to provide the consumer with a desire to buy a technical product for use that is related to leisure or looking for creative pleasure and is also considered a priority. The purpose of advertising will be to combine the performance of a product in both design, aesthetic that recalls the famous image relatively in the background and technique. SWOT Analysis of Canon SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and is an important tool often used to highlight where a business or organisation is, and where it could be in the future. It looks at internal factors, the strengths and weaknesses of a business, and external factors, the opportunities and threats facing the business. The process can give you on overview of where the business, and the environment it operates in, is strategically. This is an important, yet to simple to understand, tool used by many students, businesses and organisations for analysis. The following SWOT analysis looks at Canon which is operating in Technology industry. The analysis shows Canons Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT analysis will give you a clear picture of the business environment Canon is operating in at the present time. Strengths: The strengths of a business or organisation are positive elements, something they do well and is under their control. The strengths of a company or group and value to it, and can be what gives it the edge in some areas over the competitors. The following section will outline main strengths of Canon . †¢ Having alliances with other strong and popular businesses is a major plus point for Canon as it helps bring in new customers and make business more effective. †¢ Being a market leader, as Canon is, is key to their success as it boosts reputation, profit and market share. †¢ Riding high in the niche market in Technology industry has helped boost Canon and raised reputation and turnover. †¢ Keeping costs lower than their competitors and keeping the cost advantages helps Canon pass on some of the benefits to consumers. †¢ The services/products offered by Canon are original, meaning many people will return to Canon to obtain them. †¢ Canon’s marketing strategy has proved to be effective, helping to raise profiles and profits and standing out as a major strength.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sports And Active Lifestyles Children And Young People Essay

Sports And Active Lifestyles Children And Young People Essay Unfortunately, youth sport has for a long time, and still is, being organised, run and taught by persons who draw on their personal philosophies in their approaches. i)Discuss the dangers of this. ii)Which are the main areas within youth sport which need to be considered to shape such philosophical standpoints of people working with youth in sport? Introduction In many aspects of our life we find people who, either directly or indirectly, influence the path we follow to achieve growth towards reaching our future goals. Such influencing people could be parents, teachers, mentors, coaches, nursery leaders, policy makers and any other role model position we may encounter. They do so in line with their philosophy on that particular aspect of life, for which they are responsible to guide us through the path of success. Their philosophy is built from the theoretical knowledge they acquired in their own educational phase of life as well as through their practical experience in the area they are assigned to lead. This applies in particular to people who are trusted to work with our children in various sports disciplines. Parents still insist that their children should engage in organized sport for several reasons. Since six decades ago, there has been a growing belief that leaving child activities under the informal control of children themselves may lead to antisocial behaviour when they grow up. (Coakley, 2009) argues that many adults believe that this lack of control is eliminated by organised sports through which they constructively control their childrens activities. However it is of utmost importance that those who work in youth sport and policymakers adopt the right philosophy that encourages sport participation of youths in the long term. Individuals who are involved into such youth programmes ought to be aware about researched material that may be used to adjust the programmes to better serve the child interest, even when this goes against their philosophy. Negative Outcomes Participation is unlikely to persist when stubbornly sticking to the point of view of the adult whose way of thinking may be in conflict with that of the youth. One has to keep in mind the interest of the child; the fun aspect of the sport itself. Children tend to stray away from adult invasion into their sport. They like to create their own games, their own worlds, therefore forcing them to participate into organised activities might lead them into a path they do not want. (Gill, 2007) mentions several arguments in favour of exposing our children to environments where a degree of risks is involved, as opposed to institutionalised sports. We actually do children a disservice by trying to eliminate risks from their lives as they grow up (Gill, 2012). When children are allowed to experience risky situations, they learn practical skills, such as swimming, cycling and road safety, that help them manage similar situations and protect themselves in the outside world. In addition, if not allowed to experience risks, children tend to seek out situations that may potentially be too dangerous. In other words, children like the challenges present in risky situations. Parents usually fear the fact that the environment outside of home has become such a dangerous place for children. They feel more security by trusting their children to coaching methods that are sometimes found to be counterproductive. This ideology may sometimes expose our children to occasional high injury rates from organised youth sport such as stress fractures and other injuries caused by overuse. (Micheli, 1990) suggests certification of coaches as a part of the solution. In a study on US youth sports, (Seefeldt Ewing, 1992) found that there was a drop from 25% to 3% in sport participation from the ages of 10 to 18 respectively. This huge withdrawal was attributed to the competitive nature of sports in males. (Biddle, et al., 2005) drew similar conclusions for females. (Cotà ¨ Wall, 2007) postulate that children who do not experience fun in sport at their early ages, tend to drop out from the activity because they lack the intrinsic motivation to keep on participating. This hinders the higher level skills they would have obtained later on in their sports career. (Abbott Collins, 2002) propose that if youths do not engage successfully into sport activities at the participative phase (up to eight years of age) they will most likely lack self-efficacy beliefs which are necessary to persist in being physically active through life. (Coakley, 2009) mentions ample literature from critics of adult-organised sports that argues on many shortcomings of this approach. The presence of parents watching their child playing an organised, competitive game that is customised for adults is counterproductive both mentally and physically to the child. Some children make it clear that they feel most parents come to see them playing just to criticise them both during and after a game, making them feel embarrassed. Even worse, this sends the wrong message to children that physical activity and sport is there only for the young, given that their parents are always sitting there as spectators. Children are not to be treated as miniature adults; some youth sports organisations expose children to too little practice and too many competitions when studies show it should be the other way round. Equipment and rules are sometimes not suitable to the age and ability levels of children. Main Areas to be Considered Up to the young age of two years, children look for pleasure from discovering and mastering attempts. Up to around six years of age children exhibit an egocentric character. Starting from the age of five youngsters enter the social comparison phase in which they start to compare what they have and what they do with their peers. This is usually interpreted as a sign of the childs interest in competition. This phase continues to strengthen until the age of twelve. Children younger than twelve may find it difficult to get the full understanding of their role in a competition. To encourage participation the rules of the game must be modified to suit their developmental capabilities (Richardson, 2007). It is also suggested that children in this age range are  exposed to a variety of sports as well as different positional variations in each sport. To be ready for competitive sports, young individuals need to fully develop their physical, cognitive and social abilities. Several studies suggest that children start to develop their cognitive and social abilities at around the age of eight and these abilities are expected to reach their required levels at the age of twelve (Coakley, 2009). In fact literature shows that the ideal age of introducing competitive strategies is at the ages of twelve to fifteen, also known as the transitional phase, and children under eight years of age should not be put into competitive roles. Research consistently shows the attraction of children to freedom in whatever they do (Gill, 2007). The traditional sports organised by adults tend to focus more on rules as opposed to informal sports that emphasise action, an approach that shows more positive outcomes (Coakley, 2009). One of the benefits of rules is to allow for safety. However, (Mullarkey) maintains that We must try to make life as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible. Rules from organised games should be modified in such a way to allow for more action and personal involvement and to keep the difference in scores as low as possible. On the other hand, action must meet the requirements to strengthen personal involvement, excitement, decision making and interpersonal relationships between participants. When working with children one should not assume that the social and cognitive abilities are already fully developed in sports. (Bandura, 1997) stresses the importance of both perceived and actual competence in an individuals decision to both engage in and maintain involvement in an activity. Actual competence widens the choice of sport for the individual while perceived competence provides the drive to persist in the sport even when difficulties are met. Therefore, if a broad range of psychomotor skills have been successfully developed from a young age, the literature suggests these will act as a basis for subsequent involvement as well as equipping individuals with the ability to make appropriate participation choices. In informal sports, one must be careful not to allow any form of bullying, patronising of girls when playing with boys and exclusion. The role of the adults should be that of a guide who ensures safety, encourages participation, mediates disputes and not to impose organised sports rules. Sometimes informal games may require more play space, but this can be overcome by creativity from the coach. Creativity is also a quality that is strengthened on the child when exposed to an informal setup. Children get the message that in life they have make decisions and not always follow repetitive rules. Conclusion The above review suggests that in todays society, coaches, organisations and parents should be well aware of questions and issues which need to be addressed when involving themselves into organised youth sport programmes. People who work in youth sports must keep their mind open to new ideas and they should educate themselves to keep their knowledge up to date on the current studies in the field. To the contrary of adult sports, when dealing with youths, in particular at the participative level coaches need to emphasise less on structure and more on variety to keep motivation at high levels. Rather than early specialisation the ultimate goal is to make the child physically literate.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Importance and Benefits of Energy Conservation

Importance and Benefits of Energy Conservation Energy is defined as the capacity of a physical system to perform work. In other words, It can be explained as the ability to perform or complete any type of work whether it is physical or mental activity. We can also explain â€Å"energy† which includes physical movements like shifting something from one place to another, warming something or lighting something. Energy exists in numerous forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical or many other forms. It can be better described by giving the below mentioned natural example of environment, it shows a chain cycle of converting different forms of energy into heat and power: Oil burns to make heat Heat boils water Water turns to steam Steam pressure turns a turbine Turbine turns an electric generator Generator produces electricity Electricity powers light bulbs Light bulbs give off light and heat We utilize energy in different forms in our daily routine life and cannot think even about to survive without it. We use energy to light our homes and for street lighting as well, to be able to power machineries and equipments in factories, helps to cook our food, for playing music and operating televisions and many more every day regular uses. Energy Conservation: It is the practice of reducing the quantity of energy used. It may be attained through efficient energy use; in this case, energy use is decreased at the same time getting a same outcome as a result, or by reduced consumption of energy services. It is one of the easiest processes to help the globe by means of pollution in addition to make use of natural energy. It may result in increase of financial capital, better environmental results, national security, personal security and human comfort. Individuals and companies are called as direct consumers of energy may need to conserve energy so as to reduce energy expenses and promote economic security. Industrial and business class users may want to increase the efficiency and as a result, it maximizes their benefits as well. Energy conservation is the reduction or removal of unnecessary or unwanted energy use. Importance Of Energy Conservation: Energy conservation plays a significant role of lessening climate change. It helps the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy. Energy conservation is often the most inexpensive solution to energy shortages, and it is more environmentally kind alternative to increased energy production. Since, we have limited quantity of non-renewable energy resources available on earth, it is very important to preserve energy from our current supply or to utilize renewable resources so that it is also available to our future generations. Energy conservation plays a very important role because utilization of non-renewable resources also impacts our environment. Specially, usage of fossil fuels supplies to air and water pollution such as carbon dioxide is produced when oil, coal and gas combust in power stations, heating systems, and engines of car. As we all aware of that carbon dioxide works as a transparent layer in the atmosphere that is part of the cause to the global warming of the earth, or we can also name it as greenhouse effect. Global warming has its own consequences in our atmosphere. It has its deadly effects like spreading of different diseases, warmer waters and more chances of hurricanes, financial costs, polar ice melting, increased chances and intensity of heat waves. Ozone depletion is the reduction of the protection layer of ozone in the uppermost atmosphere by chemical pollution. Ozone layer is the protection line between earth and the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. People who have more exposure to UV radiation can have some health problems like DNA damage, skin cancer, aging and other problems related to skin. There could be some possible issues that include a danger to human body health, impact on environment like rising sea levels, and major changes in vegetation growth methods. When coal is burned, it realises sulphur dioxide into the air and therefore, it reacts with water and oxygen in the clouds and forms acid rain. Acid rain kills fish and trees and also damage limestone buildings and statutes. These types of global problems can be resolved. As per the data of United States calculated per year, we found that the average familys energy uses produces over 11,200 pounds of air pollutants. Therefore, every unit of kilowatt of electricity preserved diminishes the natural environment impact of energy use. There are some facts which considerably decrease the utility bills of a family. Following are some points covered in Pollution Prevention (P2) concepts which help you to control energy use and methods to conserve energy:- Altering what you normally use in your daily routine: You should walk or ride a bicycle instead of driving a car and as a result, it emits to roughly 60% of air pollution. At our homes, you should use lights which consume less energy and continue till 10 times more than bright light bulbs. For saving energy in normal daily routine activities like we should air dry our clothes rather than using dryers. We should fit a thermostat which regulates the temperature automatically. Search for that energy appliances which reduce your monthly electricity bills. Changing your activities you do in your everyday practice: You should plant trees close to your window for natural air, so there will be less usage of air conditioners. Recycle items used in household activities such as cans, plastic water bottles, and newspapers. It saves energy and raw material for making the same product. Wash down clothes in filled loads in washing machine and in cold water. Use settings on washing machines, dryers and dishwashers for saving energy. Set the room temperature in thermostat up to 65O F when you are at home and decrease the temperature to 55O F, when you are going to sleep. Lastly, you should improve your housekeeping habits in such a way that saves more energy like turning off lights when you are not present in room or not at home, close your heating vents and doors in rooms which are not utilizing any more, clean your air filters regularly in winters as well as in summers, it will work more powerfully and for long period as well. For making a proper use of energy and conserving it, you should share and communicate these facts and information with others in your family, friends and neighbours. There are many other activities which help people to do with conserving or saving energy. For example, we can take the example of a light bulb we use for lighting our homes; we could also recycle it and can utilize solar energy instead of using electricity during the day. Conserving energy is very important for the reasons that we use most of the energy resources are non-renewable. So as to make proper utilization of these resources, we require finding to begin our search for natural resources. We should use wind power, solar power energy, hydroelectricity, and bio-fuels and as a result that will make our environment healthier and better. (United States Environmental Protection Agency, August 1997) As far as the question of living and non-living factors are concerned, the non living factors like sunlight, temperature, rainfall, water and soil. Both the sunlight and the temperature contribute to the energy consumption. If we could use the sunlight in place of light switches in the home as well as we can open the windows instead of running the air conditioners that can also cuts out a tremendous amount of electricity that we can utilize later on. In case of water, instead of making use of non-renewable source of energy to recycle the used water or overflow, the plants can be way out to using solar powered and wind powered energy instead. For the soil, option to men farming by hand rather than machines. If we would grow our own gardens at home instead of running to the vegetable store for tomatoes or other vegetables, we have many natural resources available to make use of, so that we become always be active and not lazy. As far as it is related to living factors, which also contributes to energy consumption are animals like herbivores, carnivores and omnivores; human beings and marine life. In above all, only human beings are the main contributors. We are using the natural energy available to us and also sometimes damage the environment to some extent. (Basics of Energy Efficient Living: A Beginners Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy Savings by Lonnie Wibberding, 2006) Sustainability is a planned method focused by a good business judgement to decrease operating cost and to increase ROI (return on investment). A sustainability strategy is also motivated by an increased customers expectation for â€Å"green† suppliers and enterprise risk management. I have developed some under mentioned sustainability strategies and their solutions that will educate and illustrate the members of our society:- Sustainability Goals: Social Goals Ecological Goals Social Goals: Improve human health and safety: It is designed to develop and put into practice a structure for health which will ultimately enhance personal and organizational health and well-being as well as improve safety and security. Following action plans should be taken into consideration:- Set up measurements and situate targets for promoting health and wellness. Expand and apply an early interference program to support the improvement and go back to work Settle on efficiency of active tools Promote new software and data collection systems Increase current programs and journal articles that support health Ecological Goals: Reduce pollution Conserve resources Reduce pollution: It reduces greenhouse gas releases and develop air quality. It also reduces all forms of water and gets better waste removal procedures. It also make better storm water quality Following under mentioned points should be taken into concerned:- Buy BC Hydrogen green energy certificates Build up a transportation graph to maintain annual average automobile traffic campus Support the purchase of local products or commodities whenever possible To extend new programmes to instruct the society concerning the significance of waste management Create clear principle for waste management and utilize of recycled materials Enlarge programs to decrease the amount of dangerous waste generated Conserve Resources: It diminishes non-renewable energy consumption and reduces water consumption and use of paper. Discover the usage of renewable sources of energy like hydrogen power, micro hydro, ground resources heat pumps, and incorporated photovoltaic knowledge To make sure new building designs, both residential and institutional, think about future change to alternate energy sources To plan new buildings to decrease the usage of water Diminish irrigation requires during landscape plan, and other programmes planned to conserve water To grow and execute campus-wide procedure for exchanging from paper to paper on-line communications for mainly inner operations To increase alternatives for purchasing paper with recycled content (The Sustainability Strategy, May, 2006) We are facing some problems related to power shortage because everyone cannot afford the electricity bills. So, we should plan to do some point urgently to get out of this wasteful style affecting all sectors in our economy. The under mentioned energy conservation measures have been taken by the government to solve our energy problems:- Installation of efficient power plants: For planning efficiency, we should bring havoc in terms of economic issues and environmental pollution. We can find that combined cycle power plant is being installed with inlet cooling to make sure the power plant can function at peak efficiency and peak capacity in summers. Power generation in industrial and commercial sectors is also a source of immense waste. To encourage high efficiency, special incentives should be offered to industries and commercial complexes to encourage efficient utilization. Also, high efficiency installations should be provided gas on a year round basis where load shedding is followed in winter. Efficient steam or hot water production: There are many companies even now operating boilers by making use of our costly gas. All these steam/hot water needs can be effectively formed which means with the similar gas consumption we can produce hundreds of megawatt of power and as a result can meet altogether the steam/hot water requirements. Efficient central air-conditioning:- The government sanctioned many companies to install centralised air-conditioning without making sure of economical utilization. Time is passing out and proper steps should be planned for reasonable power as soon as possible. (Paper Articles on Urgent energy conservation steps needed, January, 2009) References United States Environmental Protection Agency. (August 1997). Energy conservation pollution prevention (P2). Lonnie Wibberding. (2006). Basics of Energy Efficient Living: A Beginners Guide to Alternative Energy and Home Energy Savings . Inspirations and Aspirations: The Sustainability Strategy. (May, 2006). Paper articles on Urgent energy conservation steps needed. (January, 2009).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Canals :: essays research papers

Explain changes that took place in Canals during 1750 – 1900 Water transport was a lot quicker than road transport, the only problem was that rivers meandered and flooded, some places were too shallow for boats to go through. A lot of trade was done by sea, coal mainly came to London by sea. Before 1750 improvement schemes were planned but the rivers still flooded travelling by land with goods ment they would get damaged and broken. IN the 18th century the main rivers were; The River Themes, Dee, Trent, Severn, and Humber. Here is a table of when the canals opened: <table border="1"> NAME AND LOCATIONLENGTH (KM/MI)YEAR OPENEDBaltic-White Sea, Russia226.91 / 141.001933Suez, Egypt162.13 / 100.761869Albert, Belgium130.36 / 81.001939Moscow, Russia128.75 / 80.001937Nord-Ostsee, Germany96.56 / 60.001895Gà ¶ta, Sweden86.91 / 54.001832Panama, Panama81.63 / 50.721914Houston Ship Channel, United States80.47 / 50.001914Amsterdam-Rhine, Netherlands62.76 / 39.001952Manchester Ship Canal, England57.13 / 35.501894Chicago Sanitary and Ship, United States48.28 / 30.001900Welland Ship, Canada*44.42 / 27.601932Juliana, Netherlands33.80 / 21.001934Chesapeake-Delaware, United States30.58 / 19.001829North Sea-Amsterdam, Netherlands28.97 / 18.001876Cape Cod, United States28.16 / 17.501914Kronshtadt-Leningrad, Russia27.36 / 17.001885Lake Washington Ship, United States12.88 / 8.001916New Orleans Industrial, United States9.66 / 6.001923Sault Sainte Marie (N.), United States2.57 / 1.601919Sault Sainte Marie, Canada2.09 / 1.301895 * Reconstructed from the old Welland Canal, which was originally completed in 1833. In 1757 the first canal was built, it was called Sankey Cut, it went from St. Hellans to the river Mersy to let barges carry coal from Lancastershire mines to Liverpool. The Duke of Bridgewater built a canal to get coal from his colliery in Worsley to Manchester, a few km away. He employed an engineer (James Brindley) to do so. The Duke made a profit of  £100,000 a year. James Brindleys most famouse canal was the Grand Trunk canal, it links the river Trent to the river mersy and runs through potteries, it was finished in 1777. By 1790, a canal network linked four major ports; Bristol, Liverpool, Hull and London. Enthusiasm continued in the 1790’s so canals were built in rural areas and never made very much profit from them, even if they did benefit people who live near them. Between 1760 and 1840 almost 6,500 km of canal had been built.Some people converted their barges to carry animals to market. From 1774 and comfortable passenger service ran from Altrichham to Manchester. Businessmen hired people like James Brindly, Thomas Telford and William Jessop to build canals to raise the money they set up campaigns.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Atomic Bomb :: essays research papers

The Atomic Bomb The year was 1945. The war in the Pacific had reached it's climax with the attack on Pearl Harbor, or so the world thought! In 1943 a new era was just being discovered when Albert Einstein had uncovered a new way of destroying things. One so powerful it could wipe out entire cities in seconds. When Albert told the president of the U.S.A. he had no idea of what the army was going to do with that knowlege, the knowlege of Atomic Theory! When the president of the United States of America heard of this new theory he decided to embark on a project that would change mankind forever. He decided to name this project the Manhatten Project. This project was headed by six of the worlds best scientists: Neils Bohr, Joseph Carter, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feyman, and Robert Oppenheimer, each with their own ideas of what it would take to construct such a weapon. From left to right: Neils Borh, Robert Oppenheimer, Richard Feyman, Enrico Fermi The object of the project was to produce a practical military weapon in the form of a bomb in which the energy would be released by a fast neutron chain reaction in one or more of the materials known to show nuclear fission. That goal was to be completed in 1945 after the U.S.A. spent over 6.7 Billion Dollars on the test bomb named the "Trinity". I t was dropped on Alagormado in Texas on July 16th 1945. When Albert Einstein heard about the "Trinity" he called the president directly and asked for a halt on all atomic bomb projects for he did not want to hurt anyone with his discovery. But when spies reported the Germans working on such a project the Manhatten project was continued. The long nights there after were hell for the president while deciding to launch the soon to be completed "Little Boy" bomb. Finally, the american troops were told to load "Little Boy" in the specifically designed plane Enola Gay. With Paul Tibbets and his crew of 12 strapped in the plane named after Paul's mother, the American president gave the order to fly to Hiroshima. They chose Hiroshima baecause it was a major industrial Japanese port which held many Japanese seacraft. It was July 16 1945 at about 8:14 when Paul Tibbets got the order to open the hatch and arm the bomb. After released it took a little less than 1 minute for it to detonate. Over 40,000 innocent lives were taken with the blast and over 100,000 were taken in the next ten years from exposure to extreme radiation.

Film Noir and Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard Essay -- Film, Movies, d

Film Noir, a term coined by the French to describe a style of film characterized by dark themes, storylines, and visuals, has been influencing cinematic industries since the 1940’s. With roots in German expressionistic films and Italian postwar documentaries, film noir has made its way into American film as well, particularly identified in mob and crime pictures. However, such settings are not exclusive to American film noir. One noteworthy example is Billy Wilder’s film Sunset Boulevard, which follows the foreboding tale of Joe Gillis, the desperate-for-success protagonist, who finds himself in the fatal grips of the disillusioned femme fatale Norma Desmond. Not only does the storyline’s heavy subject matter and typical character structure suggest the film noir style, but also Wilder’s techniques of photography and empty, worn-down settings make for a perfect backdrop for this dark approach at filmmaking. Often, films made in the style of film noir present audiences with a rugged, cynical, and disillusioned protagonist. While Joe Gillis of Sunset Boulevard does not necessarily match up to this persona at the beginning of the film, the arc of his character eventually molds him into such traits through his hopeless situation and building encounter with Norma. At the start of his story, Joe is depicted by a desperation intense enough that he is willing to give up his own dignity and respect by first lying to bill collectors and fleeing them in his unpaid car, then proceeding to beg for a Hollywood producer to buy his trite stories, and upon the failure of that attempt, stoops so low as to ask this same producer for money. It is this series of actions which eventually lead Joe up to the doorstep of this film’s femme fatale—a frequ... ... undoubtedly makes for a more somber tone to any scene. It is undeniable that from the first scene in which the audience is presented with Joe Gillis’s corpse to the last, where Norma walks boldly into the midst of newscasters, lost in her deranged world of eternal stardom, Sunset Boulevard was filmed with the technique of film noir. Overall, it is conclusive that Wilder’s picture Sunset Boulevard can accurately be recognized as a piece done in film noir style. With the customary cynical and brute protagonist that is discovered in the character of Joe Gillis, and the infamous presence of an unsuspecting femme fatale in the character of Norma Jean, it is evident that such archetypes belong in that style of film. Furthermore, the storyline which is fraught with dismal themes and gloomy, sinister visual effects make for the ideal film noir-styled motion picture.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ancol Ltd.

1. What are the background facts, problems and symptoms of the problems that suggest that something has gone wrong?Background Facts: As Mr. Simard joined Ancol Ltd., he initially observed that there was a bitter relationship between employees and management. He wanted to bridge the gap and pull both sides together for a better communicative understanding between them. His belief was that, if a certain measure of trust could be built amongst employees and management, then it would create a better working environment, reduce the stress level at work, as well increase productivity amongst employees due to job satisfaction, which would lead to greater growth for the organization. In order to establish this, his first move was to remove the clock system for employees to record their shift reports. The idea behind this was that employees will be able to work much freely; realizing management has put certain level of trust in them.Problems and Symptoms of Problems: The main idea behind remo ving the clocking system was to improve relationships between employees and management. Although, this was a positive intention from Mr. Simard; however, he overlooked some key measures to achieve his objective:Did not do enough research to identify if similar approach was taken in the past within the organization or elsewhere, and identify whether there was any business risks associated with his decision. Did not discuss his decision with higher management, or the workers union. Failed to understand the competence level of the supervisors and their current roles and responsibilities prior to implementing the process Failed to discuss with payroll and understanding possible effects of operational decisions causing problems within other departmentsThe symptoms of problems started when employees realized that they were no longer being monitored for their attendance, and there was an incompetency amongst the supervisors to detect any misuse. As a result, a small percentage of employees took advantage of the situation, leaving a large number of employees feeling unsatisfied with the situation due to inequality at workplace.2. In your opinion, what caused these problems and whose responsibility is it to solve them? What solutions can you suggest?In my opinion, the problem was caused by lack of planning for such decisions. There were hardly any communication between Mr. Simard and the rest of the organization in making such moves. He also lacked communication with the union, as well as higher management. There was lack of training available for the supervisors to track and manage attendance of their employees. There is no evidence of a productivity monitoring system for each employee, which could have also assisted in reporting any misuse.I strictly believe, it is still Mr. Simard’s responsibility to resolve them, by educating his supervisors on how to track attendance, and also by maintaining a clear communication with the employees that an organization can only benefit by filling in the gap between employees and management through trust, honestly and hardwork. There should also be examples made of the employees who have misused their liberty by either termination or suspension. He should also keep an open communication with the Union and report those employees that have misused.He needs to implement a productivity monitoring system, which can track the production of each employee. Although this might be viewed as a negative amongst some members; however, if there are rewards associated with it (i.e employee of the month, or incentives), then that might also create employee satisfaction. I honestly don’t believe that going back to the clocking system will do any good, the decision that Simard made was a positive one; however he just needed to plan it better.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Deviance & Control in a Feature Film `Boyz n the Hood`

Deviance is a variation from the norm. Everything from picking boogers in public to murdering somebody is considering an act of deviance. There are many theories of deviation and the film Boyz in the Hood and it provides a good base for understanding and providing real life examples concerning deviant behavior. The major issues apparent in the film are concerning the control and labeling theory which gives insight into the characters lives. Boyz N the Hood provides many examples of the deviance and control theories.Deviance in statistics is the variations in what the outcomes are supposed to be. In sociology a deviant is a person who isn’t what he should normally be. Any variation from social, cultural or religious norms can be deviation. â€Å"In a recent book about deviance, Douglas (1984) has identified rape, homosexuality and terrorism as major categories of deviance today, and his choice of these highlights a recurrent concern among sociologists to link an analysis of de viance with that of particular forms of sexual and violent behavior.Indeed, a quick glance through the contents of any book dealing with deviance is likely to reveal an interest in making sense of forms of sexual behavior as diverse as prostitution, child abuse, homosexuality, transexualism and extra-marital sexual activity. Similarly with respect to violence, interest has been shown in gang violence, rape, juvenile delinquency, football hooliganism and acts of terrorism. To this list of concerns, however, should be added studies looking at less spectacular forms of deviances such as alcohol dependence, childlessness, stuttering, and solvent use† (Aggleton 1-2)Many of these deviations are portrayed in the movie. The most significant ones relate to crime, murder, sex, and alcohol and drug abuse. A lot less spectacular forms of deviation are also apparent in the movie. One example of this is when Ricky urinates in one of the alleys right before his death. By studying this film c losely a lot of deviant behaviors can be pointed at easily. â€Å"John Singleton’s 1991 film Boyz N the Hood in the context on American sub cultural deviance theories†¦ presents aspects of many of the major theories of deviance (labeling, strain, social control, and differential association).(Leblanc, 1998, p. 64) The major characters Tre, tre’s father, Ricky and Doughboy represent different forms of deviance and control. Tre’s father is a controller because he continuously tells everyone around him to start thinking. Tre is different than the other people in the neighborhood because his father has raised him differently. The dad tries to instill good values in his son so he can succeed and not conform to the deviant norms of his surroundings. Tre’s dad is also active in social control. In one scene after the SAT exam Tre’s dad takes Tre and Ricky out to see something.He brings them to a billboard in the neighborhood and asks the two boys wha t they understand from it. While he explains to them what gentrification a small crowd starts to surround his sermon like speech. He says, â€Å"They want us to kill ourselves†¦ the best way you can destroy a people you take their ability to reproduce themselves. † This reflects the opening lines of the movie and the death toll concerning African Americans. â€Å"One of out of every twenty-one Black males will be murdered in their lifetime†¦most will die at the hands of another Black male.† The dad wants the people in the neighborhood to stop killing each other because â€Å"you’re doing exactly what they want you to do, you have to think†¦ about your future. † This reflects the control theory and how the dad manages to keep a strong relationship with his son. The control theory states that the closer people are to each other and the stronger their bonds they will be less likely to deviate. Continuously throughout the movie the dad talks to his son about everything and tries to teach him along the way. Another example in the movie is when the dad gives him advice about not having children at a young age.He says that any guy can a have a child but raising one makes him a man. Also after the SAT exam the dad tells the boys how the exam is biased and math is the only section that is universally unbiased in the exam. The father son relationship is not there when it comes to Tre’s friends. Ricky and Doughboy are half brothers and there father is never around. Doughboy is the deviant in the family whereas Ricky tries to stay away from trouble. The control theory states that people who have stronger bonds are less like to deviate compared to people who have weaker bonds.The boys’ behavior and their future can be observed and analyzed by both the control theory and the labeling theory. When their lives are analyzed according to the labeling theory it is easy to see why the two brothers act in a specific way. â⠂¬Å"The labeling theory states that of people are called something or told who they are often enough shall begin to act in that manner. † (Leblanc, 1998, p. 64) For example, if a child is labeled a bully in school even if he has done the act one and continues to be called a bully it is quite likely that he will try to or conform to the label that has been given to him.On the other hand if a person is told that they can excel over and over again they will most like live up to those expectations. In the movie this contrast is observed between Ricky and Doughboy. Their mother continuously puts Doughboy down and praises Ricky. â€Å"You ain’t shit, you don’t do shit, and you ain’t never going to amount to shit,† is one of the remarks passed by the mother to Doughboy. When we observe the first half of the movie which depicts the boys childhood it is apparent that Doughboy was not always a deviant. When the boys in the hood, pun intended, take away Rickyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s football Doughboy is appalled.The child simply wants his brother to have his ball back. He stands up for his brother and he gets beaten up. Because of his personality type he gets into trouble. Eventually his mother starts putting him down because he is continuously getting into trouble. â€Å"The labeling theory suggests that this would explain why he was in jail most of his life, deals drugs, kills people, and is eventually murdered in the end of the movie. This theory also suggests that the encouragement of his mother led Ricky to become a football star and receive a scholarship to USC. † (Leblanc, 1998, p.64)In the end of the movie, Ricky dies when other guys from the neighborhood shoot him and Doughboy dies two weeks after avenging his brother’s death. The assumption can be made that Doughboy was murdered by the people connected to his brother’s murderers. When he is young he gets into trouble and starts going down a slippery slope because he defen ds his brother and when he gets old he dies trying to avenge his brother’s death. When the lives of Ricky and Doughboy are observed according to the control theory we can have an even better understanding of why Ricky is the polar opposite of his brother.The control theory talks about the affect of strong bonds between people. Ever since Ricky is little he has had a stronger bond with the people around him. Although both the boys’ fathers’ are never present Ricky has a football that his father gave to him. When they grow up Ricky has a stronger bond with his mom and his mom favors him more. Ricky also has a girlfriend who lives in his house and a son. Ricky has reasons to not deviate. Although his premarital sexual relationship and having a child before marriage is a type of deviation he does not conform to the deviations that his brother does.At the end of the movie when Ricky is dead and Doughboy is talking to Tre he says that he has no one, no brother and no mom. He says that his mom never loved him and it was all about Tre. Doughboy and his weak bonds with the people around him led him to deviate more often. Both the labeling theory and the control theory help us understand the lives of the brothers and how they behaved. Tre’s father is one of the controllers in the movie and his portrayal of a Black man who thinks is presented respectfully. He continuously teaches his son to think and stay away from deviant behavior.After Ricky’s death he explains to Tre that he should not go out to seek revenge because that is exactly what the system is designed to do. He tells his son that if he wants to shoot a man he should shoot his dad first and that it is too stupid to loose Tre over a stupid battle. His message to Tre and everyone else has always been to stop killing each other and pursue a life that is better. With his guidance Tre is one of the characters that is alive at the end of the movie and goes to college. Although Ricky gets accepted and has a scholarship he dies before he can even embark upon the opportunity.The other controller is Tre’s mother. Ever since he was young he has taught him to stick to his word and that there would be consequences if he wouldn’t. He ends up living with is father because he has gotten into a fight at school and his acts have been a breech of contract with his mom. When we compare Tre’s and Doughboy’s childhood they were both involved in confrontations and physical fights as young children. The only thing different was that Tre had a set of parents who were controllers and instilled strong bonds with each other. The police officer is also a controller in the movie except he presented cynically.He believes that everyone in the neighborhood is a deviant and should die. When he comes to Tre’s house after a break in he tells them that the burglar should have been shot and that he shouldn’t have gotten away. He is extremely cynical and does not believe in the betterment of the people in the neighborhood. When Tre is older he is pulled over by the same police officer although he hasn’t broken the law. The officer pulls him over out of spite and just to see if he has been drinking, possesses any drugs or weapons. There are many acts of neutralization present in the movie when the deviants try to justify their behavior.At the sermon in front of the billboard that Tre’s dad gives about people killing themselves over stupid things and conforming to the system a few guys listening in try to defend their actions. They say that if someone â€Å"messes with them† or causes any trouble they are not going to tolerate anything and take action. They say that they will not tolerate any sort of misconduct or even an attitude problem and resort to killing if they need to. This is later reflected in the movie when Ricky gets murdered over an argument. At a party he gets shoved in the arm so he starts yelli ng at the other guys.Those guys are scared away initially by Doughboys gun but then they come back to kill Ricky. This shows that whatever Tre’s dad says has a lot of truth to it and that when a deviant deviates he doesn’t see it as a deviation. He sees it as an act of neutralization. He is simply standing up for himself and defending him self. He is simply justifying his cause. The quality of a deviant is that he fights back each time. Every little thing such as the role of an eye or an argument is reason enough to kill someone. Sometimes people deviate intentionally because they want to prove people wrong.Sometimes people deviate because they are living up to their labels. Sometimes people deviate because they don’t know any better. Tre’s insistence on having sec with his Catholic girlfriend can be considered deviant behavior because he is going against what his parents have told him. His girlfriend gets angry with him but he does not resort to further deviations. Doughboy gets labeled a deviant from an early age but he never fights back to clear the misconception. He continuously involves himself in activities that live upto his reputation.This film seeks to normalize society. The message at the end of the movie is to stop and to create peace. The movie shows a real life depiction of what happens in the hood and how it hurts everyone living in it. It sheds light on how their behavior is affecting them negatively. They show all aspects of particular societal trends in order to create awareness among the people. The movie asks questions about traditional ways of controlling a form of deviance when it highlights the role of the police officer and the kids who try to fight deviance.The police officer just wants to kill everybody and is an extreme cynic and Ricky believes that the only way to stop another deviant is by acting the same way with him. The police officer hopes that the guy who broke in the house should have been dead and that everyone on the street is a gangster. All throughout the movie deviant behavior can be clearly spotted. The only way to normalize deviant behavior is to understand why it happens and how it happens. Young kids like Ricky all over the world end up committing crimes because of the weak bonds they have.They end up deviating from societal norms because they have been labeled a specific way. They already have a reputation and they feel that they cannot get away from it. They accept what society has labeled them and give into the norms of deviation. Kids who have stronger bonds with family and society on the other hand can easily breakaway from any childhood delinquencies they were a part of like Tre. People should understand that the labeling theory is not always negative and that it can be used to boost people’s morale and have positive outcomes.This happened for Ricky because of the continuous support from his mom but in the end he did not live to see any of it. This is why the control theory should be implanted along with the labeling theory in a positive way. When people realize the roots of the problem only then will they be able to fix it. The movie is a message to all the people of America to realize what happens in the certain neighborhoods and how to eradicate the problem. The message is to stop killing each other and to promote peace. References Aggleton, P. (1987). Deviance. Society now. London: Tavistock. Leblanc, Lauraine (1998, January). Observing Reel Life: Using Feature Films to Teach Ethnographic Methods. Teaching Sociology, 1, Retrieved June 16, 2008, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Singleton, J (1990). Boyz N the Hood. (movie)   

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Organizational Design Behavior

If the organizational structure is meant to reflect it's situation, the Limora Hospital and the Community Health Centre's (LCHC) structures do not do this. The current structure does not reflect the complexity, dynamics, or the environment. There appears to be little consideration given to parameters of design. Organizational design is used to maneuver a series of criterion that determine the division of labor and coordination. The Limora Hospital and the LCHC have weaknesses in their design concerning the decision making system, the lateral connections between the superstructure, the format of the subunits and the individual job positions. These are integral parts of the structure and seem to be a weakness at both facilities. I would describe the structure of the LCHC as almost non-existent. Although the case study doesn't provide a lot of information about the actual parts of the for Limora Hospital or the LCHC, it does appear to be somewhat better at the Hospital then at the LCHC. As an initial step, it would help to combine some areas of the two facilities and better utilize its technostructure, support staff and operating core. The strategic apex is weak with no consistent, committed leadership or administration. There is confusion about the Bishop's power of authority. He appears to have given his power away, yet some employees indicate otherwise. In fact, there doesn't appear to be any real management to apply managerial leadership and direction. This kind of confusion and conflict demoralizes the apex and the middle line entirely. A common vision, mission, and active interest in the future must be demonstrated by the Executives if they are to flow down into the core of the organization. This is lacking and is sorely felt by Dr. Macdonald who cannot pass down anything more than he is capable of, or more, than he is receiving from his superiors. There is a small technostructure in high demand, a large support staff, and an operating core that is clearly not well managed. Most evident is the lack of linkages between management and the operating core. Although not as evident are the weak linkages between the core and the supporting staff. A limited horizontal decentralization might work where the strategic apex shares some power with the technostruture that standardizes everyone's work and some of these linkages. A well organized management team and employee links to them are necessary. A strong theoretical point is made in The Classical School of organizational theory by Henry Fayol, a French industrialist. He, and other theorists like Urwick, Gulick, Mooney and Reiley, emphasized the universality of the management function in all kinds of different organizations. Fayol's theory worked from the board of directors and chief executives down through the organization. He stressed the importance of planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling the administration of an organization from the top down. The weakness in Limora Hospital and the LCHC can be found in the management of the Apex and he middle line, and the operating core. No serious attention has been given to these areas so they can achieve the leadership and administrative control they need. The parts of the organization do not support the coordinating mechanisms required, and neglect to meet the needs of either facility. They should reflect the configuration for a professional organization that relies on the trained professionals who have a high level of control over their work. It is safe to assume that the Doctors and nurses have all been trained and have standardized their professional skills before working at the either facility. Coordination is achieved by the virtue of doctors and nurses having learned what to expect from one another. So they do have this basic mechanism of coordination. What is lacking, is the necessary organizational glue to hold it together. Perhaps the standardization of norms as another coordinating mechanism. The nurses don't seem to be able to coordinate their activities based on their common goal of caring for the sick and standardizing norms would be helpful. There has been an attempt at coordination by Dr. Macdonald, but the organization has been without strong consistent control for too long. Although there doesn't appear to be a middle line, Dr. Macdonald has been left to promote coordination and proper design on his own. His leadership attempt is valiant but he needs the help of qualified middle line managers. The missing parameters of design are Behaviour formalization, Training, and Unit grouping. Behaviour formalization would provide work processes and job descriptions to reduce confusion about what work people should be doing and how they should be doing it. On the surface, one may question whether a group of professionals need stringent rules and regulations.Although these professionals know the essence of their roles, and have a lot of control over what they do, they lack a framework within which to work and make decisions. Behaviour formalization could outline the framework within which they can take control and, identify the boundary where they need the assistance and cooperation of others. Also very important, is to identify the communication linkages to others inside and outside this framework. This would eliminate much confusion, instill confidence into the operating core, and bring cooperation among managers and workers. It seems to me that when you are dealing with the life, death, and the health of others, the last thing you want is dissension and confusion among those who are caring for you. Aside from the professional skills applied by the doctors and nurses, the simplest procedures in administration of core workers could be a disastrous for the patient. As an example, how is a specific report completed, when is it completed, who are the critical receivers of the report, when must they receive it, and what must be included in it, all involve linkages and cooperation among professionals, staff and management. If these are broken in some way or done incorrectly, outside of the prescribed framework, they can impact a life. Chester Bernard's book, The Functions of Executives, from the human relations school of thought, emphasized the need for clarity and cooperation among managers and workers to further the interests of everyone. Bernard said that organizations by their very nature are cooperative systems and cannot survive otherwise. He listed three forces to achieve this cooperation; executive leadership, subordinate acceptance of organizational goals, and the power of informal work groups. Clearly in a hospital there is room for strict rules and processes outlined by the leaders, but because there are also large areas of independent decision making, you must have a cooperation and a balance of both. Training, another parameter of design, can teach the professionals what the standards, processes, and procedures are, and clearly define the level of performance for each. The Limora Hospital must had some training on the hospitals procedures but when the nurses came over to work at the LCHC, they complained that they were not oriented to these properly. Training at LCHC is lacking in this area. The essence of the work done by the professionals is no different in either the Limora Hospital or the LCHC. What is different is the purpose for each facility and the level of output. One is a hospital that cares for the people who are already ill, and the LCHC is a community program that focuses on preventative health to try to keep people from ending up in the hospital. The hospital doctors and nurses would likely be prescriptive in their care for very ill patients over a shorter period. The LCHC would also prescribe but would likely be more descriptive in their care over longer periods of time in the community. Teaching these fundamentally different objectives to everyone, and what work is wrapped around them, would facilitate a clear direction for exactly what the jobs are in each facility. The Scientific Management theory advocates a systematic approach to job design, performance, and training. Not necessarily all of the theory components are applicable the systematic approach to training does apply to a health organization. There is a systematic way of applying medical tests to ensure there are no mistakes. Speed and efficiency are critical. There may be a departure from this theory as it relates to division of work and task specialization, but the scientific selection of training remains useful to our health care situation. Adam Winslow Taylor and Henry Gantt emphasized the need for systematic training of workers. Taylor particularly advocated that the role of management was to know their employees and to train them to do well. If this was done, it would produce maximum efficiency. Finally, both the LCHC and the hospital are dependent on the same resources. They both need analysts such as accounting and personnel, they both use the same nurses and doctors in their operating core, and both need the use of land rovers in their work. Conflicts have surfaced because the organizational structure does not leverage these like needs well. For example: Clear and accurate financial accounting for both areas They both need highly qualified doctors and nurses Their primary and supporting staff need similar training They are dependent on each other but the structure does not promote interdependency They both require processes and procedures to perform their jobs well Unit grouping would be the design parameter most required to help facilitate the mutual needs of each unit. Grouping these under the same supervision would encourage cooperation and help to promote a more efficient and cooperative working environment. Once the needs of each area are clear, you need to establish liaison positions, or roles that can coordinate the work of two units. These liaison positions are missing in the hospital and LCHC structure. Task forces are also missing. Task forces can plan meetings, bring the members of each unit together, and integrate mangers to coordinate what is important to the units. These initiatives would eliminate competition for the best nurses and doctors, and provide a fair an accurate financial accounting for both facilities. It is difficult to tell how much impact the support staff for either the Limora hospital, or the LCHC have on the operating core and the quality of care. I'm sure the support staff could also be optimized by unit groupings. Unlike the scientific management theory that did not provide a theory of general organizational design, the classical school of organizational theory did. Henry Fayol, from this theory, suggested that all jobs should be regrouped on some common basis to achieve coordination or unity of direction. Henry Fayol also saw the importance of working from the board of directors down into the organization, different from the scientific management school of thought which worked from the bottom up. Both are useful for our purposes. This regrouping theory and focus on the top levels of the organization are very applicable to the Limora Hospital and the LCHC. There are also some situational factors such as age, size, technical systems, power, and environment that need consideration. Understanding the impact of situational factors can help identify the weaknesses in the structure and how to improve them. For example, the hospital and the LCHC are only 10 years old and there are only 280 beds. This means they are relatively young and small and that their behaviours aren't yet formalized. The fact is there is a lack of organizational maturity. As the organization ages and grows in size, the behaviours will become formalized and the more homogeneous. Because the environment in a hospital is complex and decisions cannot be made by one person, one might decentralize the structure and push the decision making down. However, with the problems at the Limora Hospital and the LCHC, it would be wise to centralize some of its structure temporarily. Taking this action in the right areas would eliminate the current hostile environment. As the organization matures, selective vertical and horizontal decentralization can be applied where the power over different decisions is spread over different parts of the organization more readily. Finally we have the operating core, the key part of the organization that is composed of professionals. Although the basic coordinating mechanism of standardization of skills exists, standardization of processes, and outputs are weak. These together with the lack of leadership, have politicized the organization and the people are in conflict. Consequently, the structure of Limora Hospital and LCHC has become a professional bureaucracy, not uncommon in Hospitals. A view of Professionals is that they are attached to the organization, but still have extensive autonomy and freedom. This gives them the best of both worlds. From an organizational perspective, however, this environment is very difficult to control and measure. The hospital and the LCHC need to discover then prescribe, when and how the attachment to the organization is essential, and when autonomy is necessary. As stated earlier, as the organization matures, professionals will perfect their own skills and repeat what works for the overall success of their jobs. For right now, framework and guidance are required. Guidance, communication and leadership would maximize the professional's output, efficiency and morale. Another item that may be an issue for the hospital and the LCHC is professional incompetence in its core operations. Although incompetence is not indicated in the case study, it may be an undiscovered issue because it is difficult to identify it in a professional organization that has lots of autonomy. Hence one measure of control is to ensure you hire competent professionals, and you continue to upgrade and train them. The standardization of skills and norms will help, but does not address incompetence. In summary, the weakness in the organizational structure of the Limora Hospital and the LCHC are challenging, but fixable. It is important to step back and look at what parameters of control or freedom a health care organization requires. It seems a portion of a hospital operations needs a very stringent scientific approach to its organization, yet another portion demands that the professional skilled people to have the authority and power to assert their knowledge independently. Theoretically, I would apply Max Weber's Bureaucracy theory as an approach. This structure would ensure that there are clear lines of power, orderly procedures and rules that would remove any randomness and unpredictability from the hospital system. The interactions are based on standards Vs the personal feelings of peers and managers. It would add fairness and equity of evaluation. It is a rational and formal-structural response to organizational problems. The immaturity must be aided by making some structural changes. The superstructure appears to need the least amount of work. There is an existing Apex (which needs some focus), a middle line (which needs to grow), a small technostructure (which should be combined for both facilities to use), and an ill managed operating core. I hesitate to say too much about the support staff. Unfortunately, the case does not provide enough information about this unit for comment.. I must assume there is a support staff functioning at the hospital since they could not possibly continue without the support of a support staff. Most of the organizational changes need to be done in the essential design parameters of the subunits. Standardization of skills has already been achieved and the remaining would include: Behaviour formalization to help standardize work processes and procedures Training to teach the standards and procedures and achieve standardization Unit groupings to group jobs under one supervision for maximum efficiency and cooperation The structural changes will also facilitate more effective communications, enhance the ability of the leaders to lead, and increase intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The complexities of organizational structure and organizational behaviour are huge. Because of these complexities, generally one theory, one behavioural model, or one method of structure does not always meet all the needs of the organization. There is no doubt, however, that guiding principles and basic fundamental models work and would work for Limora Hospital and the LCHC. What are the effects on motivation, leadership and communication because of the weaknesses identified in your answer to Question #1 at the Limora Communication Health Centre? The weakness in the organizational structure at LCHC hampers leadership, communication, and motivation. In reverse, the lack of leadership, communication and motivation have impacted the organizational structure. The definition of each of these explains the importance of their interrelationship to one another. Leadership is based on the ability to influence others to achieve organizational goals. Formal leaders hold a high rank in the hierarchy and informal leaders are recognized for outstanding skills and abilities. Managing is sometimes mistaken for leadership. The difference is that a manager brings order to the employees, and a leader makes useful changes in the organization. Communication is the process of two or more people exchanging information. The sender is the initiator of the message and the receiver is the one that the message is direct to. Effective communication is achieved when the message from the sender is received as it was intended. Motivation can be understood as a force within us that is triggered by various needs. This force then drives us to satisfy an unsatisfied need. There are basically two different categories of motivation. One is intrinsic and the other extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from inside ourselves and extrinsic from outside ourselves. All three of these are lacking at the LCHC. Some of them are highly impacted by the weaknesses in the organizational structure, and some are lacking in the individuals' as skills. Motivation, leadership and communication are dependent on one another and cannot function very well in an organization on their own. Leadership generally deals with the complexities of humans and human behaviour. There are many approaches to leadership, each with theories and models. The Traits theories would look at leaders and explore their traits or characteristics. Behavioural leadership theories centre around the behaviours demonstrated by effective leaders. Lastly, the contingency approach puts forward the notion that â€Å"it depends† on both behaviour and traits. Situations can effect what traits and behviours are most useful.. The most suitable leadership approach for the LCHC would be the contingency approach since it offers ways to look at behaviour and traits. It also lends itself to approaches for leading tasks and people. There are task issues and relationship issues at LCHC that need leadership. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard's situation leadership model offers different behaviours suited to either a task situation or a relationship situation. Some of the leadership weakness at LCHC are: The lines of authority for the division of labor between the apex and the middle line are not clear. This makes leadership difficult. The Bishop is not motivated to take on this leadership, or he does not have the leadership expertise to lead. It is the Bishop that should set forth the proper leadership characteristics, and develop the triggers that will motivate his organization. There seems to be no communication from him about the mission, strategy, or goals of either facility. If this is missing at the top, it cascades down throughout the organization very quickly. It is evident that the professionals in the operating core are confused, and don't have clear goals to follow. These goals would help pull all of them in the same direction. The middle line, where Dr. Macdonald is managing, needs qualified managers. When there are no qualified managers, and management systems are in chaos, leadership is compromised for the strongest of leaders. The above points in the structural weaknesses involve task and volatile relationships issues. The application of the Hersey Blanchard model of leadership will help both the task and relationship concerns. . Regarding communications, the LCHC does not adequately provide the network for good communications among all its employees. Unit groupings are weak and management does not seem to have a lot of integrity in their communications. Its important to have a place that can determine what communications vehicle should be used to gain the highest impact for any given message. Rich communication demands face to face interaction, next is the telephone, and the poorest is via memo or letter. There are no liaison positions in place at the LCHC. These positions could determine communication vehicles, disseminate information and improve upward, downward and horizontal communications. A very large part of good communications is also about listening and knowing how to communicate. Communication involves giving and receiving feedback. These skills are generally part of a good training program. The LCHC does not have a good training program in place that could help them increase harmony, efficiency and mutual understanding. When good communications are in place, feedback is at an optimum, therefore, managers and employees could actively participate in formal and informal evaluations processes. If the managers and employees are involved in the evaluation process, they are most apt to be fair and equitable in their assessment of each other. The employees at LCHC are not motivated. The lack of motivation is a direct result of the lack of leadership and effective communications. It can also be linked to the organization of the subunits. Grouping different jobs under common supervision can pull them together to achieve similar goals thus triggering motivation.. Employees also need, and are more likely driven by intrinsic motivators. These can come from reaching personal career goals, making enough money to buy a new house, or simply feeling good when a patient gets well as a direct result of their care. Putting a Human Resources management in place could provide rewards programs in the form of money, recognition, and promotion. These are all triggers for employees to set themselves goals to reach these rewards. Locke's goal setting theory says setting clear, challenging, realistic and acceptable goals raises performance. Goals invoke motivations since our thoughts and actions are directed by our goals. It is much easier for the LCHC employees to set their personal work related goals if they have been given short term departmental goals or milestones and long term organizational goals. Each department would work in a cooperative setting to reach these goals. When employees don't see or feel a sense of purpose, there is often conflict, competition, and behaviour is based on the fear of not knowing where they are headed. Consequently, this leads to low morale and demotivated employees. The LCHC should consistently communicate the rewards and results of effort and hard work. This will encourage employees to expect a reward for their work. Vroom's expectancy theory supports this idea. He says that if you put effort in, you will get a positive outcome. Individuals will look at a given situation in this way†¦.increased effort will lead to good performance, good performance will lead to certain outcomes, and then†¦ are the outcomes worthwhile. If they are, the effort will be put forth. In summary, leadership, communication, and motivation are a must for an organization's success. If the structure is aligned to support all three, there is increased productivity, high level of efficiency and high morale among the employees.